In its life and mission, St. Paul's UCC seeks to worship the triune God; proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ; practice loving service toward the needy; embody God's reign of peace and justice; establish a Christian community of faith; and be a faithful member of the church universal.
March 11 - December 31
St. Paul's QuaranVlogs
Pastor Steven's Quarantine Songs
St. Paul's Songs of Hope and Faith
March 12 - December 20
Free online and digital resources that help you stay in touch, educate your kids, and entertain the whole family.
Learning, Books, And More
PA Parent & Family Alliance
June 23 - December 31
Join us Sunday mornings for Worship.
The prelude begins at 9:35 am and the service begins at 9:45 am.
July 13 - December 31
Donations are accepted at the Veteran's Box at the entrance to the Family Life and Mission Center.
Currently collecting New clothes sizes L - XXL, toiletries such as deodorant and toothbrushes, and canned foods in small sizes or single serve size.