Boy Scout Troop 597 of Amityville has been continuously chartered since 1942 in Amity township and to St Paul’s since 1955.
Over the last 75 years, hundreds of adults have committed their time and talents to Boy Scout Troop 597 in carrying out a program that produces strong, confident young men who have become strong leaders of our community and beyond. Our scouts have served in the military and in the government. They are our teachers and our coaches. Our church members. Our scout leaders and our parents. Without the support of St Paul’s UCC, this would not be possible and we are forever grateful.
The Boy Scouts perform service projects both in the church and community such as Scouting for Food collections, serving at turkey suppers, and American flag retirement ceremonies. They camp locally at the Daniel Boone Homestead, French Creek and many state parks. They travel extensively in Pennsylvania and up and down the east coast on their monthly camping trips.
The current Boy Scout troop has more than 60 scouts between the ages of 11 and 18. To date we have had the honor of more than 50 scouts attain Eagle Scout status and many more striving toward that goal.
We teach boys to be responsible for themselves, others and the world around them through fun activities, community service and outdoor adventures. We strive to never turn a boy away who wants to participate. Although we are larger than the normal troop for our area, it gives us an advantage in allowing the scouts to practice their leadership abilities on a larger scale. We are a boy-led troop allowing the scouts to plan trips, menus and activities and learning to lead.
If you are a young man in 5th to 12th grade and would like to join Boy Scouts (Monday eve 7-8:30), please contact Rick Henry (610) 404-4922 or visit us at :
If you are an adult who is interested in helping as a leader, please use one of the contacts above.